A Few Commonly Used ARIA Labels And Roles

This pure HTML file contains some of the most commonly used ARIA roles and labels. The order is done to mimic the possible order presented on a proper webpage, such as menus and close buttons on top.

The first random image The second random image

This would have a description of the overall images

The images, randomly generated by Lorem Picsum will be the same due to seeding synchronously

75% Done (and won't change without more elements)

This is the content that can be expanded or collapsed.

This button, if hooked up to some javascript, would perform some kind of action, but really is only there right now to show how ARIA describedby works. Labelledby or semantic regular html is preferred

For now this will be all the ARIA things I will show, since there is a lot but also a huge amount is not needed if you use semantic html. (I will probably make a blog post about that too)